Watchword 2021

We live in times of uncertainty and with many disruptions, mainly due to the Covid-19 crisis and its consequences. We can no longer be church as we have been used to. But it is still possible to be church with and for one another. The watchword for this year is an invitation to do so. Jesus says: “Be merciful as your father is merciful!” (Luke 6:36)
To be merciful is to see the other through the eyes of God. When I see my neighbour from God’s perspective, I act with my heart and become merciful. Seeing them with God’s eyes empowers to forgive and love again.
Being merciful means being with the poor wholeheartedly. Being merciful describes a love that goes so deep that it is no longer possible to stop at just being compassionate over the misery of others. To be merciful cannot help but to act. This is why Archbishop em Desmond Tutu once said to a group of young people, “Go out and make life beautiful for the poor.”
May the Lord give us the strength, wisdom and joy to see his children through his eyes and to be with them with the heart.
Don’t allow the pandemic to restrict you in being church.
I wish everyone a happy new year 2021.