Synod 2021
The Synod will meet from 29-31 October 2021 at the Sionsheuwel congregation in Philippi. The theme will be: “Life, Faith, Hope. – Here! Now! Getting from disorientation to re-orientation.” A reflection on the book of Psalms, as well as inputs on dealing with trauma, will empower and encourage us for life ‘here and now’. We have hope in Him who has overcome death. Jesus Christ is Lord. In Him we trust.
Due to Covid related challenges and protocol a decision was taken to only invite the delegates elected by the congregations, the speakers and the UELCSA bishops. We trust that in this way safe space and limited physical contact will be possible.
At the synod the Bishop and Deputy to the Bishop need to be elected.
Please keep the synod preparations and the delegates in your prayers.
Congregations and Pastors
Southern Cape congregation
A colloquium will be held on 18 November with Dr Ronell Bezuidenhout, a Dutch Reformed minister (dominee). A colloquium is a conversation by means of which the candidate and a panel of our Lutheran theologians together discern whether she will be comfortable in serving as an ordained Lutheran pastor according to the central teachings and doctrines of the Lutheran church.
This will pave the way for her to be a Lutheran pastor and continue to serve in our congregation.
Synode 2021
Die Synode findet vom 29. bis 31. Oktober 2021 im Gemeindezentrum der Sionsheuwel Gemeente in Philippi statt.
Das Thema lautet: „Leben, Glaube, Hoffnung. – Hier! Jetzt! Von der Desorientierung zur Neuorientierung. “Ein Nachdenken über das Buch der Psalmen sowie Beiträge zum Umgang mit Traumata werden uns beschäftigen, ermutigen und unterstützen, im Hier und Jetzt zu leben. Wir haben Hoffnung auf den, der den Tod überwunden hat, Jesus Christus. Er ist der Herr. Auf Ihn vertrauen wir.
Die Kirchenleitung und das Leitungsgremium der Synode haben sich entschieden, nur die gewählten Vertreter der Gemeinden (Synodaler/Innen) einzuladen, dazu Bischof Burgert Brand und Bischof Horst Mueller, als Vertreter der VELKSA. Die Bedingungen (Auswirkungen?) der Pandemie nötigen uns dazu, die Synode so zu gestalten, daß keiner unnötig in Ansteckungsgefahr gerät.
Die Vertreter werden gebeten, den Gemeinden ausführlich über die Diskussionen und Entscheidungen der Synode zu berichten.
Bischof und Stellvertreter/in müssen gewählt werden.
Bitte beten Sie für die Synodalen und die Synode.
Synod 2021
The Synod will meet from 29-31 October 2021 at the Sionsheuwel congregation in Philippi. The theme will be: “Life, Faith, Hope. – Here! Now! Getting from disorientation to re-orientation.” A reflection on the book of Psalms, as well as inputs on dealing with trauma, will empower and encourage us for life ‘here and now’. We have hope in Him who has overcome death. Jesus Christ is Lord. In Him we trust.
Due to Covid related challenges and protocol a decision was taken to only invite the delegates elected by the congregations, the speakers and the UELCSA bishops. We trust that in this way safe space and limited physical contact will be possible.
At the synod the Bishop and Deputy to the Bishop need to be elected.
Please keep the synod preparations and the delegates in your prayers.
Congregations and Pastors
Southern Cape congregation
A colloquium will be held on 18 November with Dr Ronell Bezuidenhout, a Dutch Reformed minister (dominee). A colloquium is a conversation by means of which the candidate and a panel of our Lutheran theologians together discern whether she will be comfortable in serving as an ordained Lutheran pastor according to the central teachings and doctrines of the Lutheran church.
This will pave the way for her to be a Lutheran pastor and continue to serve in our congregation.