Reflection on ISAIAH 60:1
by Bishop Gilbert Filter
We start the new church year with the celebration of Advent and Christmas. It is a season in which we celebrate that light is coming into the darkness of this world.
We never light as many candles and lights as we do during this season! Not only in our homes and churches, but businesses also light candles and turn on lights, as they know, that light attracts people.
Light has many functions. It guides us and warns us against danger.
We know, how welcome the light of a match is, when we are surrounded by complete darkness. Light drives out darkness.
The prophet Isaiah reminds us, that God’s work, God’s truth, God revealing Himself, is like light.
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”
When the Bible speaks about God’s glory, it reminds us, that there is visible evidence of the presence of God. For example:
While Israel wandered in the wilderness, a pillar of fire at night and the cloud during the day revealed God’s presence. The people were led by these signs of God’s presence until His glory was revealed in the Tabernacle.
The Tabernacle was placed in the Temple to remind the people of God’s presence. But, while they were in exile, far away from the Temple, they realized that God couldn’t be bound to a place. Through the message of the prophets, they discovered that God was with them everywhere.
Isaiah reminded them, while in captivity, that God was faithful. Because God is faithful, there is hope for the future. Hope for restoration. But there is even more, as ultimately the nations will be drawn to Yahweh, because they will see His glory through the lives of God’s people. They will see the light shining through them, and then give glory to Him. Like the Wisemen from the East saw the light and followed it. They found the light in the infant born in Bethlehem. God’s glory had come to Israel in a unique way.
John describes what happened in Bethlehem in this way. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) Jesus is the true light, the light from heaven, the light that enlightens every man, the light that shines in the darkness and is not overwhelmed by it. (see John 1:1-9) In Jesus we see the glory of God. He is the visible evidence, that God is ever-present.
Jesus says: “You are the light of the world.” (Mt.5:14) He then reminds us, that a light is of no use if it is hidden, but its purpose is to shine and to bring light into darkness. So, the question is: how are you going to shine for Jesus here and now? How are we as members of the body of Christ going to bring His light where we are?
Isaiah reminded them, while in captivity, that God was faithful. Because God is faithful, there is hope for the future. Hope for restoration. But there is even more, as ultimately the nations will be drawn to Yahweh, because they will see His glory through the lives of God’s people. They will see the light shining through them, and then give glory to Him. Like the Wisemen from the East saw the light and followed it. They found the light in the infant born in Bethlehem. God’s glory had come to Israel in a unique way.