Food for thought
With the words of the watchword for 2024 we are called to love. The apostle Paul says: “Do everything in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:14) At first glance it seems to be a tall order, one that we will not be able to fulfil. But if love was in all we do, the world would look different and life would be easier. Out of our own strength and ability we can not do everything in love, but with and through Christ we can, as He is love and ‘we love because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19)
Youth Forum
Church Council has requested the 6 youth delegates to synod to form a Youth Forum. The aim is to create a platform on which youth work in the congregations, circuits and church-wide can be discussed, planned, coordinated and furthered.
Mr Kabelo Mashile, as member of Church Council, will chair the forum.
Church Committees will receive a letter requesting information on the youth work in the congregation and that 1 or 2 representatives are nominated, so that they can connect, build a network for communication and co-ordinate this ministry.
The CCW Youth Camp,
with the mission of “Harvesting Hope,” spanned five days from December 14th to 19th, 2023, at the beautiful Kijk in de Pot campsite in Pniel. The camp brought together 33 children from various local churches and the SA Children’s Home, including some who travelled from outside Cape Town.
The theme for the CCW Camp, “Harvesting Hope,” focused on understanding the altar’s place in our faith. The kids, coming from various homes and churches, gathered to understand the altar’s role in their lives and their community. The camp had various activities, with a special emphasis on arts and crafts, where the children created unique tablecloths for their church altars. Daily devotions allowed for discussions on spiritual growth and relevant Bible stories.
Initially, the kids were shy and did not interact amongst one another. But by the second day it was hard to distinguish who was from which congregation. The kids expressed joy at making so many friends, some even calling it the “best camp” they had ever been to.
Evenings at the camp featured campfires with singalongs, and the food was a hit, with a variety of delicious meals served throughout their stay.
As the camp came to an end, the children shared their hopes for more camps like this. It was clear they enjoyed the chance to be seen and to belong, embracing the spirit of Harvesting Hope. (submitted by group)
A heartfelt thanks to all the supporters and volunteers who made this camp a memorable event of friendship and faith for our youth.
United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (UELCSA)
In Matthew 9 we read that Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38) We have asked and the Lord has answered our prayers for workers.
Students of Theology
Our students of theology are in the 1st year Mia Peters; 2nd year Chundré Filippus; 3rd year Bernhard Schiele; 5th year Rutendo Gora.
The First Theological Exam will be held on 21-22.2.2024. Please keep our students Tristan Krüger, PJ Hanekom and Hans-Christoph Lange in your prayers. After the exam they will be placed as interns (vicar) in a congregation.
Currently there are 3 interns (vicars). Hermann Düvel is in Philippi and Wynberg; Anika Sanders is in a NELCSA congregation and Ingrid van Sittert is in Stellenbosch.
The Second Theological Exam will take place on 5.4.2024 with Ingrid van Sittert as candidate. Please keep her in your prayers.
UELCSA Synod will meet from 7-9.6.2024 in Windhoek, Namibia. The focus of the synod will be on Theological education, equipping of the laity and finances. Please pray for the meeting of synod.
Finance Team contact information
Treasurer is Mrs Bronwyn Masfen. New Email:
Accountant is Mrs Belinda Hawyes. Email:
Filling vacancies
St Martini has two candidates for the pastor’s post. They are both from Germany. They will visit and present themselves to the congregation during the first two weeks of February. The election of the pastor will take place on 18.2.2024.
Studying Theology
On the Cape Church YouTube channel you will find a video with an explanation on studying theology in the Lutheran Church.
Our webpage
For information on Church life look at our webpage
Nachrichten aus dem Büro des Bischofs
Mit den Worten der Losung für 2024 werden wir zum Dienst in der Liebe aufgerufen. Der Apostel Paus schreibt: „Alles was ihr tut, geschehe in Liebe.“ (1 Korinther 16:14). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es eine zu große Aufgabe zu sein, die wir nicht erfüllen können. Aber, wenn in allem, was wir tun, Liebe wäre, würde die Welt anders aussehen und das Leben wäre schöner. Aus eigener Kraft und Fähigkeit können wir nicht alles in Liebe tun, aber mit und durch Christus können wir, denn Er ist Liebe. Ja, „wir lieben, weil Gott uns zuerst geliebt hat.” (1. Johannes 4:19)
Die Kirchenleitung hat die 6 Jugendlichen die als Delegierten auf der Synode waren gebeten ein Jugendforum zu gründen. So soll die Jugendarbeit in den Gemeinden, Dekanaten und gesamtkirchlich diskutiert, geplant, koordiniert und gefördert werden.
Herr Kabelo Mashile wird als Mitglied der Kirchenleitung den Vorsitz des Forums übernehmen.
Ein Brief mit der Bitte um Informationen über die Jugendarbeit in der Gemeinde soll verschickt werden. Eine Bitte um die Nominierung von 1 oder 2 Vertreter/innen wird folgen. Diese Personen sollen ein Netzwerk für die Kommunikation und die Koordinierung der Jugendarbeit aufbauen.
Jugend Camp CCW
Im Dezember haben einige Jugendliche und Mitarbeiter sich aufgemacht zu einem Camp, ein wunderbares Erlebnis. (Hier einen Bericht der Gruppe.)
The CCW Youth Camp, with the mission of “Harvesting Hope,” spanned five days from December 14th to 19th, 2023, at the beautiful Kijk in de Pot campsite in Pniel. The camp brought together 33 children from various local churches and the SA Children’s Home, including some who travelled from outside Cape Town.
The theme for the CCW Camp, “Harvesting Hope,” focused on understanding the altar’s place in our faith. The kids, coming from various homes and churches, gathered to understand the altar’s role in their lives and their community. The camp had various activities, with a special emphasis on arts and crafts, where the children created unique tablecloths for their church altars. Daily devotions allowed for discussions on spiritual growth and relevant Bible stories.
Initially, the kids were shy and did not interact amongst one another. But by the second day it was hard to distinguish who was from which congregation. The kids expressed joy at making so many friends, some even calling it the “best camp” they had ever been to.
Evenings at the camp featured campfires with singalongs, and the food was a hit, with a variety of delicious meals served throughout their stay.
As the camp came to an end, the children shared their hopes for more camps like this. It was clear they enjoyed the chance to be seen and to belong, embracing the spirit of Harvesting Hope.
A heartfelt thanks to all the supporters and volunteers who made this camp a memorable event of friendship and faith for our youth.
Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche im südlichen Afrika (VELKSA)
In Matthäus 9 lesen wir, dass Jesus zu seinen Jüngern sagte: „Die Ernte ist groß, aber es gibt nur weniger Arbeiter.“ „Darum bittet den Herrn, dass er noch mehr Arbeiter aussendet, die seine Ernte einbringen.“ (Matthäus 9:37-38) Wir haben darum gebeten und der Herr hat unsere Gebete erhört.
Unsere Theologiestudierenden sind Mia Peters im ersten Jahr; Chundré Filippus im 2. Jahr; Bernhard Schiele im 3.Jahr; Rutendo Gora im 5. Jahr.
Die Erste Theologische Prüfung findet am 21-22.2.2024 statt. Bitte beten Sie für unsere Studierenden: Tristan Krüger, PJ Hanekom und Hans-Christoph Lange. Nach der Prüfung werden sie als Vikare in eine Gemeinde eingesetzt.
Derzeit haben wir 3 Vikare. Hermann Düvel ist in Philippi und Wynberg; Anika Sanders ist in einer NELCSA-Gemeinde und Ingrid van Sittert ist in Stellenbosch.
Die Zweite Theologische Prüfung findet am 5.4.2024 statt. Ingrid van Sittert wird geprüft. Bitte beten Sie auch für sie.
Die VELKSA Synode tagt vom 7. bis 9. Juni 2024 in Windhoek, Namibia. Der Schwerpunkt der Synode wird auf der theologischen Ausbildung, Zurüstung der Laien und den Finanzen liegen. Bitte beten Sie für die Synodensitzung.
Kontaktinformationen des Finanzteams
Schatzmeisterin ist Frau Bronwyn Masfen. Neue E-Mail:
Buchhalterin ist Frau Belinda Hawyes. E-Mail:
St. Martini hat zwei Kandidaten aus Deutschland für die Pfarrstelle die besetzt werden soll. Sie werden die Gemeinde in den ersten beiden Februarwochen besuchen und sich ihr vorstellen. Die Wahl findet am 18.2.2024 statt.
Auf unserer YouTube finden Sie ein Video, das das Theologiestudium in der lutherischen Kirche erklärt und dazu einlädt.
Die Webpage der Kapkirche
Informationen über das Leben in der Kirche finden Sie auf unserer Webseite
Nuus uit die biskop se kantoor
Iets om oor na te dink
Met die wagwoord vir 2024 word ons geroep om altyd lief te hê. Die apostel Paulus sê: “Doen alles in liefde.” (1 Korintiërs 16:14) Met die eerste oogopslag blyk die bevel te groot te wees. Sal ons dit kan nakom? Maar as die liefde in alles wat ons doen was, sou die wêreld anders gelyk het en sou die lewe vreedsamer wees.
Uit eie krag en vermoë kan ons nie alles in liefde doen nie, maar met en deur Christus kan ons, omdat Hy liefde is. Ja, “ons het lief, omdat Hy ons eerste liefgehad het.” (1 Johannes 4:19)
Die Kerkbestuur het die 6 jeug afgevaardigdes wat die sinode bygewoon het versoek om met ‘n Jeugforum te begin. Die doel is om ‘n platform te skep waarop jeugwerk in die gemeentes en die kerk bespreek, beplan, gekoördineer en bevorder kan word.
Mnr Kabelo Mashile, as lid van Kerkbestuur, sal die forum se voorsitter wees.
Kerkrade sal ‘n brief ontvang waarin versoek word om inligting oor die huidige jeugwerk in die gemeente mee te deel, en dat 1 of 2 verteenwoordigers benoem word om in die forum saam te werk en ‘n netwerk vir kommunikasie bou en die jeugbediening koördineer waar nodig.
The CCW Youth Camp,
with the mission of “Harvesting Hope,” spanned five days from December 14th to 19th, 2023, at the beautiful Kijk in de Pot campsite in Pniel. The camp brought together 33 children from various local churches and the SA Children’s Home, including some who travelled from outside Cape Town.
The theme for the CCW Camp, “Harvesting Hope,” focused on understanding the altar’s place in our faith. The kids, coming from various homes and churches, gathered to understand the altar’s role in their lives and their community. The camp had various activities, with a special emphasis on arts and crafts, where the children created unique tablecloths for their church altars. Daily devotions allowed for discussions on spiritual growth and relevant Bible stories.
Initially, the kids were shy and did not interact amongst one another. But by the second day it was hard to distinguish who was from which congregation. The kids expressed joy at making so many friends, some even calling it the “best camp” they had ever been to.
Evenings at the camp featured campfires with singalongs, and the food was a hit, with a variety of delicious meals served throughout their stay.
As the camp came to an end, the children shared their hopes for more camps like this. It was clear they enjoyed the chance to be seen and to belong, embracing the spirit of Harvesting Hope.
A heartfelt thanks to all the supporters and volunteers who made this camp a memorable event of friendship and faith for our youth. (report by group)
Finansies: kontak inligting
Die tesourier is Mev Bronwyn Masfen.
Nuwe e-pos:
Die boekhouer is Mev Belinda Hawyes.
Vereenigde Evangelies Lutherse Kerk in Suider Afrika
In Matteus 9 sê Jesus vir sy dissipels: “Die oes is groot, maar die arbeiders is min. Bid daarom die Here van die oes dat Hy arbeiders uitstuur om sy oes in te samel.” (Matteus 9:37-38) Die Here het ons gebede gehoor.
Ons studente van teologie is: Mia Peters 1ste jaar; Chundré Filippus 2de jaar; Bernhard Schiele 3de jaar; Rutendo Gora 5de jaar.
Die Eerste Teologiese Eksamen vind op 21-22.2.2024 plaas. Bid asseblief vir ons studente Tristan Krüger, PJ Hanekom en Hans-Christoph Lange. Na die eksamen sal hulle as vikar in ‘n gemeente geplaas word.
Ons het tans 3 vikare: Hermann Düvel wat in Philippi en Wynberg is; Anika Sanders wat in ‘n NELCSA-gemeente is en Ingrid van Sittert is in Stellenbosch.
Die Tweede Teologiese Eksamen vind plaas op 5.4.2024 met Ingrid van Sittert as kandidaat. Hou haar asseblief in julle gebede.
UELCSA Sinode vergader van 7-9.6.2024 in Windhoek, Namibië. Die sinode sal op Teologiese opleiding, toerusting van leke en finansies fokus. Bid asseblief vir die sinode.
Vir die pos wat gevul moet word, het die St. Martini gemeente twee kandidate uit Duitsland uitgenooi. Hulle sal gedurende die eerste twee weke van Februarie die gemeente besoek en hulself voorstel. Op 18.2.2024 sal die gemeente hulle nuwe pastor kies.
Studeer Teologie
Op ons YouTube-kanaal, sal u ‘n video vind wat die studies van teologie in die Lutherse Kerk verduidelik.
Ons eie webblad
Vir inligting oor die kerklike lewe, kyk na ons webblad