Deutsche Neujahrsbotschaft der Generalsekretärin, Pfr. Dr. Anne Burghardt
English New Year’s message the General Secretary, Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt.
– Remind the congregation about the main Hagar Campaign – “You are the God who sees”(Gen 16: 13)
– Introduce the theme for the month – Human Trafficking in Gen 37: 5-27
The story of Joseph is told over many chapters, and moves from a focus on the family to a focus on the Egyptian nation, and then back to a focus on the family. The first chapter…
What is human trafficking? I have found two definitions, one from the oxford dictionary and another from the US Department of Justice. According to

At the Zondo Commission potentially destabilises South Africa (4.2. 2021)
From the desk of the General Secretary, Bishop Malusi Mpumlwana (2.2. 2021)
Proposed 2016 action plan: The South Africa we pray for
Refuse to allow corruption (August 2020)
Corruption and crime in our country (August 2020)
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, during these challenging and uncertain times and the case of genocide against Israel, we request that we unite in prayer for justice and peace. May truth prevail and respect for human life and human dignity be upheld.
We are grappling with, and are trying to understand the bigger picture and its complexity. Seeking together and trying to understand, let us respect each other’s views and remember the watchword for this year: “let all you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:14)
In our conversations about these matters, we need to be aware that the mainstream media and especially social media do often not give us a true and balanced view of events, as they are under the control of various lobbies an often forced to frame their stories according to the bias of their funders.
It is also important to realise that conflicts of any kind have a history that goes far further back than the contending parties want to admit. For a balanced and responsible view, it is therefore necessary to do some history homework using resources, books and documentaries by independent historians, researchers and journalists that are not at the beck and call of the lobbies involved in the conflict.
Statements by the LWF ( help us to grapple with this situation and urge us to call for prayer for justice and peace.
We acknowledge and support the following expressed in these statements:
- all violence, especially on innocent women and children is condemned.
- antisemitism as well as islamophobia is condemned.
- all involved parties in the Israel-Palestinian conflict are called upon to releasee all hostages, to do all they can to stop the violence and work towards solutions for lasting peace and living space for all.
- deep concern for the grave humanitarian situation because of the conflict.
I call on you to seek God’s face in prayer so that justice and peace prevail.
Yours in Christ
Members of the Pastors Convocation ELCSA (Cape Church)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
27 June – 1 July 2022
We, the delegates of the Africa Lutheran Church Leadership Consultation (ALCLC), met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the theme ‘LORD, to whom shall we go: You have the words of eternal life’ (John 6:68). We are grateful to God that we are able to meet as ALCLC after the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are grateful to the ALCLC host churches, the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon (ELCC). We stand in solidarity with the EECMY and the ELCC and affirm their witness and ministries in their communities and countries. We are encouraged by the solidarity and support that the Mekane Yesus Seminary received following the floods of 2021. We thank God for the recovery and reconstruction efforts, even as we appreciate the hospitality accorded to us during our consultation’s keynote address.
We thank the General Secretary and the President of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) for their presence and rich contribution to our consultation through their messages. We are also thankful for the presence and contributions of our keynote speaker Rev. Dr Fidon Mwombeki, the General Secretary of the All Africa Conference of Churches; LWF Council members, partners in mission, and invited guests.
We shared our reflections and discernment on global and regional contexts, addressing misleading theologies, affirming the prophetic role of the church, intergenerational perspectives, transformative leadership and theological education and formation.
We were deeply inspired and encouraged by the Bible studies, devotions and prayers that drew from the theme of our consultation and reaffirmed our commitment to remain steadfast in our LORD Jesus Christ, for in Him are words of eternal life.
We were reminded of our calling to being church in such a time as this when Africa is facing many challenges, including: humanitarian crises; conflicts; poverty and economic
injustice; the effects of COVID-19; the imminent hunger crisis; massive displacement of people; xenophobia; the impacts of climate change; unemployment; gender-based violence and discrimination; and poor governance in many countries. We affirm the importance of unity within our communion in Africa and globally.
We received with appreciation the report from the Regional Secretary for Africa and acknowledge the work and positive developments in our communion. We also received the report of the Confronting Poverty and Economic Injustice in Africa initiative and reiterate its relevance as an agenda set by the leaders of the Lutheran Communion in Africa.
- We are deeply concerned about the continued spread of false teaching and misleading theologies across our continent and its negative influence on our churches and our communities. We note the pervasive and abusive nature of these theologies and their proponents and recognize the urgent need for us as Lutheran churches in Africa to address them, particularly through sound and transformative theological education and formation of our congregations and churches.
- We reaffirm the importance of peace and stability on our continent and decry the ongoing wars, conflicts and violence in different countries including Ethiopia, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, among others. As we pray for these countries and for Africa, we call on our churches, and particularly our leaders to boldly speak out and work for peace and justice.
- We note with great concern the impact of the war in Ukraine on global peace and security, food security in Africa, and development and humanitarian aid. We stand in solidarity with the people and communities affected by this war and call for an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We are particularly grieved by the reports of racism, mistreatment and discrimination of Africans who were seeking protection and refuge from the war. We recognize the important role of the LWF member church in Poland and other churches in Ukraine and neighboring countries in supporting the affected people.
- We appreciate the strong presence of youth in the ALCLC and in our churches and recognize their role in leading intergenerational dialogue, inspiring change, and the sustainability of our global communion. We recommit ourselves to accompanying our youth, creating spaces for them and opening opportunities for decision-making and leadership at all levels within our churches and communities.
- We reaffirm our commitment to gender justice and denounce all forms of discrimination and violence against women and children especially the girl child.
- We recognize the dire impacts of climate change on communities in Africa and reiterate our commitment to climate justice as we call for greater action from our churches, governments, the international community, and other stakeholders to address it.
- We reaffirm the advocacy role and the prophetic voice of the church in Africa as a foundational part of our holistic mission. We commit ourselves to use our prophetic voice and our diaconal ministries to address the root causes of the challenges
affecting our continent. We receive the LWF Advocacy Framework and through its implementation, we commit to contribute to advocacy of The Lutheran World Federation. In this regard, we recognize the need for capacity strengthening and accompaniment of our churches in their advocacy work.
- We affirm the increasingly critical role of transformative leadership and accountability within our churches and our global communion and commit to work towards strengthening this part of our ministries.
- We acknowledge the growth in membership in our Lutheran churches within the African region and note the increasing need for adequate representation within LWF structures including in governance and decision-making processes.
Concluding remarks
We thank God for the ministry and service of Rev. Dr Elieshi Mungure (Mama Africa) in her capacity as the Regional Secretary for Africa at the LWF Communion Office. We appreciate her commitment and support she has given to Lutheran churches in Africa during her more than ten years of service. We wish her God’s blessing in the next chapter of her ministry. We welcome the new Regional Secretary for Africa, Rev. Dr Samuel Dawai and commit him to God as he takes up his responsibilities.
We appreciate the warm welcome and hospitality of the EECMY who have received and hosted us in Addis Ababa. We also appreciate and applaud the LWF Communication Office staff for their support and accompaniment towards organizing our consultation.
Ein Studiendokument des Lutherischen Weltbundes
Vorwort – Martin Junge
„Befreit durch Gottes Gnade“ – wir stellen diese Erfahrung, die Leben und Freude schenkt, in den Mittelpunkt und feiern sie auf unserem Weg zum Reformationsjubiläum im Jahr 2017. Diese Erfahrung wirkt weit über die Kirchenmauern hinaus und hinterlässt auch im öffentlichen Raum deutliche Spuren. Die Reformation war ein Katalysator des Wandels in Kirche und Gesellschaft. Martin Luthers pastorale und diakonische Sorge um die Menschen drängte ihn an die Öffentlichkeit zu gehen und auf Grundlage dessen, was er als die Wahrheit des Evangeliums erkannt hatte, zu . . .

Preface – Martin Junge
“Liberated by God’s grace”—we affirm and celebrate this life-giving and joyful experience as we move towards the Reformation anniversary in 2017. The impact of this experience goes far beyond the walls of the church; it has a tangible impact on the public space. The Reformation was a catalyst for change, both in the church and society. Martin Luther’s pastoral and diaconal concern for people compelled him to . . .
It has been very moving in recent years to listen to both men and women speaking at the feedback sessions of the Women’s Human Rights Advocacy Training that the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has been organizing since 2015 in partnership with the Church of Sweden, Finn Church Aid, Mission 21, and the World Council of Churches.
These voices bear witness to the major problems related to gender justice: how poverty…

Preface – Martin Junge
The biblical call to uphold justice is at
the very heart of the communion’s selfunderstanding. God’s grace liberates
us, brings us together in Christ and
enables us to live and work together
for justice, peace and reconciliation.
The LWF is committed to being
inclusive and enabling the full and
equitable participation of w . . .
As the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (Cape Church) we are deeply concerned about and categorically condemn the continued heinous crimes against women and the violent deaths of George Floyd, Collins Khoza and countless other people of colour. We see it not only as part of our Christian mandate, but also as a fundamental human concern of a democratic civil society, that we vehemently oppose gender- and race-related violence and injustice on all fronts.
In view of this we support initiatives like the Black Lives Matter movement (against racism) and Thursdays in Black (highlighting escalation of Gender Based Violence). Such initiatives stand up against racism, discrimination and oppression of all kinds, albeit respecting the rule of law and renouncing violent protest and damage to property. By ringing our church bells on a Wednesday at 12:00 noon, we add our voice and tears to the many already heard and seen. In being committed to the Constitution of South Africa, we pursue a zero tolerance policy against victimisation of any kind within our church. We explicitly support an open, democratic and respectful discourse
concerning these matters within and outside the church community and invite our members to engage in such discourse in a way that reflects the compassion and passion for justice Christ
stands for.
Pastors Convocation of ELCSA (Cape Church)
Signed by the Bishop
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On Pentecost 2023

Resources for
and throughout the year 2023
Do good; seek justice
(Isaiah 1:17)
The Global Teachers Institute (GTI) is a South African non-profit organisation whose mission is to shift the way children are taught by transforming teacher education. The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the Department of Basic Education (DBE) have identified the need to improve the teaching practice and school experience component of initial teacher education (ITE) by developing the capacity of schools to facilitate the work-integrated learning and teaching practice experiences of student-teachers through the development of professional practice schools (PPS)1 . The Teaching Practice Project is a school based teacher development programme that supports schools in becoming professional practice schools by facilitating teaching internships and supporting school leaders and in-service teachers to be more effective mentors, teachers and leaders. Student-teachers study via a distance institution and are placed at participating schools to gain professional experience and provide additional support to teachers and learners.